Defensive Driving Courses

If you have a Florida Drivers License you may have to take a defensive driving course (also known as Traffic School) at some point. Below is a list of DMV Florida approved Defensive Driving Courses. Each course should be taken for a specific situation, which is explained.

Florida Online Traffic School

Speeding Tickets / Moving Violations

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The 4-hour Basic Driver Improvement course is taken by drivers who get a speeding ticket or moving violation to avoid points on your Florida Drivers License. You must elect traffic school when you pay the fine to the Clerk of Court.

8 Hour Traffic School

Judge Ordered

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The 8-hour Intermediate Traffic School course is required when a judge requires you to take traffic school. It is commonly known as Judge Ordered Traffic School. This course can also be taken in certain Florida Counties such as Miami Dade County when a driver has already taken the 4 hour course in the last 12 months.

12 Hour Traffic School - ADI

Suspended / Revoked License

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Drivers who get their Florida License suspended or revoked in many cases can get a Hardship License by taking the 12-hour Advance Driver Improvement course. In other cases a judge may order you to take the 12 Hour ADI course if you have 3 accidents in 3 years.

Mature Driver Course

Insurance Discount Course

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If you are 55 or older and have a Florida Drivers License you can save on your auto insurance by completing this course. Savings are up to 10% but will vary depending on your insurance company. It will take 6 hours to complete the course but the savings are good for 3 years.

Questions and Answers about Taking Defensive Driving

How much time do you have to take traffic school in Florida?

When you receive a ticket in Florida you have 30 days to pay your fine to the Clerk of Court in the County where you received your ticket. From the date you paid your fine and elected traffic school each county gives you anywhere from 60 days to 120 days to complete your course and give a copy of your Traffic School Certificate to the Clerk of Court.

How do I elect traffic school (defensive driving school) in Florida?

Each county clerk has their own procedure. Typically there is a form to fill out when you pay your traffic ticket to elect traffic school. Be aware that if you pay your fine and do not elect traffic school then you will receive the points for the violation and your case will be closed. You cannot decide to take traffic school in Florida after you have paid the fine.

Do I still have to pay the fine for my traffic ticket if I take defensive driving?

Yes, you must pay your fine within 30 days of receiving your traffic citation.

How do I get credit for completing a defensive driving course?

When you complete your course you have several ways to get your certificate of completion depending on your schedule. You give that certificate to the clerk of court in the county where you received your ticket. If you need to get your certificate quickly (same day) then you can expedite it via digital download.

Does completing the 4 hour Basic Driver Improvement Course for a speeding ticket keep my car insurance cost from increasing?

Your auto insurance company cannot raise your policy cost because of the violation you take traffic school for as long as there is no accident associated with the citation.

Do I have to finish my defensive driving course all at once?

No, all our courses allow you to login and logout on your schedule. So you can complete the course all at once if you are in rush or take as long as you like. Just be sure to meet your deadline.

If I get 2 tickets can I take a defensive driving course for both of them?

Unfortunately not, you should take defensive driving for the ticket with the most points.

How do you get points removed from your Driving Record in Florida?

You cannot remove points from a Florida Drivers License. You avoid the points by informing the clerk of court that you are going to take a traffic school course when you pay your fine. Then your case is kept open until you complete your course. Once you submit your certificate to the clerk of court, your case is closed with a status of Adjudication Withheld and you receive no points.

If I have a Florida CDL (Commercial Drivers License) can I take a Defensive Driving Course and avoid points on my driving record?

Unfortunately not, the Florida DMV does not allow drivers with a CDL to take defensive driving courses to avoid points.

What should I do if I miss my deadline with the clerk of court to complete traffic school?

We recommend contacting the Clerk of Court, in some cases they will give you credit without any penalty.

What happens if I elect to take defensive driving and do not take the course?

If you fail to complete your defensive driving course or fail to pay your fines your drivers license will be suspended and you will have to pay additional fines.

How do I find out how many times I have taken Traffic School?

Get a copy of your complete Driving Record.